Thursday, December 4, 2014

Bring Hope to the Hopeless during this Holiday Season!

In Proverbs 13:12, the bible says 'hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desires comes, it is a tree of life'.

There are so many people all around us whose hopes have been shattered.  Perhaps it has been one too many incidents that have taken place in their lives and there has literally been NO time to recover from any one of them.  Old folks would say "when it rains, it pours".  Sometimes people are smiling to keep from crying.  Hope for some people are liken unto a dirty glass; they can't see anything other than the dirty residue on the glass.  Hope during the holidays are sometimes excruciatingly painful for some.  I wonder how many people we walk around, work around, speak to or encounter in some way that are at the brink of hopelessness.  They don't see a way out.  My heart goes out to people especially during the holiday season.  The holidays are usually painted pictures of family and friends; love and laughter; food and fun.  However, for many people is such a time of despair and depression.  Some people actually dread the holidays especially Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Some people get the holiday blues for whatever the reason.  Some people are not in close family relationships and may be estranged; some people shy away from crowds, could be from some other reasons.  Here's the good news, we have a universal charge to spread love and give hope to those who are hopeless during Christmas times.  People are sometimes lonely and have not real friends, or a far from family members, unable to travel.  I made it by business to meet my neighbors, wherever I lived, make acquaintance, just o place a face and to reach out as an extension.  I would always ask what they were doing for the holidays because I would feel bad for anyone to be alone and especially not have anything to eat.  Out family makes sure we have plenty and it would be wrong NOT to share. 
So as we are giving love during Christmas time, think about a person you may have encountered at work, at church, where you shop, where you get your hair done, and inquire what they are doing at Christmas time.  You would be surprised to find that there are no plans.  How sad is that during the most favorite time of the year; well for some it is, but for others, it's the worst time of the year.  So spread the holiday cheer by trying something new and going the extra mile.  Be a GEM this Christmas - Go the Extra Mile for someone else.  Here are a few simple suggestions:
1.  Give a Ornament
2.  Bake some cookies, or brownies; place in a small gift bag
3.  Give a bottle of wine
4.  Handwritten holiday note
5.  $5 gift cards - they come in handy when people are a little short
6.  Take them to lunch
7.  Cook a simple dinner and invite them
8.  Offer a free babysitting evening 
9.  Go ice skating
10. Movie night
Bringing a smile to someone during the holidays is one of the best gifts ever.  Hope is a powerful thing, when it comes, its like a tree of life.  Give love; receive love; laugh and laugh some more; celebrate life and give hope to someone else. 
May this Christmas season allow you to remember that just for you and I, God gave the vest best gift of all - His only Son, so that our shortcomings can be made up for.  He traded His Son for our sins.  There is no greater love than that.  I pray that you have a very Merry Christmas and a most prosperous New Year!
Merry Christmas!